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part 4 get only rows which columns values are same in database laravel query builder

in laravel querey builder easily compare two and more database columns by using whereColumn method and we also get only rows data which column values are same.

Laravel whereColumn() method

in example we get courses table rows that start date and created date are same.

$courses = DB::table('courses')
            ->whereColumn('created_at', 'start_date')

we also calculate two cloumn according compare grater than and less than values. In given example only rows gate which start date is grater than to create date.

$courses = DB::table('courses')
            ->whereColumn('created_at','<', 'start_date')

an another example of whereColumn two compare more than two columns.let get all data which column1 is grater than price column2 and column1 is less than column3. Notice that all three columns have integer values. is also call that compare an array columns in whereColumn() method.

$courses = DB::table('courses')
            	['column1', '>', 'column2'],
            	['column1', '<', 'column3']

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php laravel developer anmol sharma

Anmol Sharma

I am a software engineer and have experience in web development technologies like php, Laravel, Codeigniter, javascript, jquery, bootstrap and I like to share my deep knowledge by these blogs.

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