Top 8 laravel packages in 2021 | Top useful laravel packages or vendors

top laravel packages

This tutorial about top 8 laravel packages in 2021. These are important and useful vendors that require to known by everyone developers.

Laravel is most popular php framwork and it provide a lot of packages and vendors these are very useful for us. laravel packages are increage website security and these are contain bundle of useful methods that reduce our code complexity. some time make a task we require more complex code that make our website lengthy and many chance of mistac so we use laravel packages to make simple code and it help to working fast of building a website.

Thus laravel packages are usefull for us. packages are most important role for make best framwork compare to others. these packages and vendors are also us javascript concepts and completely manageable so if we not known good knowledge of javascript than it also help it already contain some javascript concepts.

In this tutorial we discuss these top 8 useful laravel packages

  1. Spatie user role and permission
  2. Laravel Passport
  3. Laravel Debugbar
  4. Sluggable
  5. Laravel Cashier
  6. Laravel Socialite
  7. Laravel Yoeunes Toastr
  8. Laravel Nova

you must try once these important laravel packages.

1. Spatie user role and permission

Spatie role permission is a laravel package which manage to user roles and permissions. when we make a large website there are many role available like user role, admin role, sub-admin role, vendor role thus any type of role available and we want to show our routes or functionalities according to users roles.

Admin can access everting on admin panel but sub-admni have some limit than spatie provide these type of users to their role and permission.

for more detail about this role permission go to Spatie role permission

2. Laravel Passport

Passport is very important and more usefull package. It also explain by laravel it self in official documentation. laravel passport is usefull for api integration. It provide api token for security purpose.

Install laravel passport by running this command "composer require laravel/passport" and after that run migration because its create some tables

For more explaination of laravel passport go to laravel passport link

3. Barryvdh Laravel Debugbar

laravel debugbar package is useful when developing website it helps to optimize database queries and showing how much query run and also optimize other type of code. We use barryvdh laravel debugbar. It also show how much time contain by each database query.

you can read more about Barryvdh Laravel Debugbar from here

4. Laravel Sluggable Package

This is a laravel package which create a unique slug. this laravel package is use for seo optimization in laravel because it make page title slug in table and we call that page data by this remove spaces and add dash to make a seo freiendly url. this package is use inside of laravel model.

you can dawnload sluggable package here eloquent-sluggable

5. Laravel Cashier package

Laravel Cashier package is use for payment gateway integration this is important package for billing related software and it also explan in laravel official documentaton. It make easy billing integration and database to access data

you can read more on official documentation Laravel Cashier package

6. Laravel Socialite package

How to use login with google, facebook and other social site than we use laravel socialite package. Socialite can handle easy way to OAuth authentication. It also explain by laravel it self documentation

you can read more on official documentation Laravel Socialite

7. Laravel Yoeunes Toastr

Yoeunes Toastr is a laravel package which is use to print sweet messages. It usefull when we save, update and delete data than after redirect show success or error message. It print user friendly and responsive messages

you can download toastr form here Laravel Yoeunes Toastr

7. Laravel Nova

This is a laravel package for helping setup admin panel in easy way it setup admin panel by running single command it provide all curd system in laravel. It make access database very easy manner.

you can more read about this laravelpackage  here Laravel Nova Admin Setup

php laravel developer anmol sharma

Anmol Sharma

I am a software engineer and have experience in web development technologies like php, Laravel, Codeigniter, javascript, jquery, bootstrap and I like to share my deep knowledge by these blogs.